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Miracle On 9th Street

Dan Cooper

Lighthouse Coffee celebrates 10 continuous years of operation on Saturday, November 9th, 2019.  What an accomplishment! Our plans were to host a big event for the community to commemorate, but after the storm destroyed our outdoor stage and dumped debris all over our field, (not to mention the destruction of our main church building)  we sincerely questioned the wisdom of going forward with this endeavor.

Then came the offers of help!  Most of last week was spent organizing all the tasks that needed to be accomplished before we could have a city-wide cleanup to accommodate a concert on two stages as well as many family festival games -  including a hayride.

Saturday the 2nd of November was D-day for this massive cleanup. Over 100 people from different organizations came out to show their support by clearing, hauling, building, and cutting down trees. What we thought would have taken a whole day was done in a matter of hours due to the organization and diligence of all involved. Hats off to our Children’s Pastor and Media Director, Chris Aguilar, who kept things going. The LDS Church showed up in force and really showed us what it looks like to be a good neighbor. Trinity Church in Cedar Hill sent a crew, along with Straight Street Recovery Home, and others, many of which did not even identify themselves. They just showed up and worked hard.

Meanwhile, many of our Lighthouse Family, including myself, were at various correctional facilities in the DFW area for the Bill Glass Day of Champions, where over 500 made first-time commitments to follow Jesus Christ. It was a VERY fruitful day, overall!

On Sunday, the Lighthouse Family met for worship at Kimmel Park near downtown Midlothian with pastors and members of three other churches. It was a beautiful day with amazing people. Pastor Mack of One Church presented a powerful message about fully living our lives for Jesus and how that should look. The temperature was perfect. We were all blessed. Smiles were as wide as the beautiful, Texas, Autumn sky.

Work has begun on the outdoor stage and our Healing Center is being repaired and remodeled. Plans are to house some of our children’s activities in this building until our main building can be restored. Meanwhile, the neighborhood around us is buzzing with saws and ringing with hammers as roofs are being repaired. The apartments next door have removed the part of the roof that landed in their parking lot.

Life goes on! The 10th Anniversary Celebration for Lighthouse Coffee will be bigger and better than originally planned, serving as a benefit for expenses not covered by insurance. We’re excited about this coming weekend and a fresh start as we move to Vitovsky Elementary for Sunday worship. We will be celebrating past blessings and praising God for blessings to come. Hope to see you soon at one of these events!

Feeling blessed, Pastor Dan


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