We support a variety of missionaries around the world via monetary donations, continual prayer support, and occasional boots on the ground mission trips launched from our church.

Richard Apfel
He and his late wife, Marilyn, planted churches on the Texas/Mexico border.
Established "The Refuge" - a home for street children in Acapulco.
Currently travels to and from Mexico and Central America.
Ruthanne Garlock
Continuing to provide funds for the Zimbabwe orphan project, her daughter, Faithful, is now overseeing the work in Hamandishe, including the construction of a middle school and church.
The Spanish edition of Keys to Better Preaching by her late husband, John Garlock, has just been reprinted and is being distributed by Ruthanne to missionaries in various parts of Latin America.
She continues to travel and teach on prayer and spiritual warfare as God opens doors of opportunity.

Eric & Mary Lynn Kindberg
They have worked with Wycliffe Bible Translators for over 35 years.
Wycliffe is celebrating 25 Scripture translations in print during this year, and they have been a part of making that happen.
Along with Bible translations, they are showing the Jesus Film, and many are hearing the Gospel in their own languages for the first time.
Jim & Anne Mills
They are the founders of Creative Missions International based in Belgium.
Organizing arts camps in Europe, they have traveled to Finland, Bulgaria, Kosovo, and other locations.
As they continue to travel and share the Gospel through art, they also teach, and speak in schools, churches, events, and concerts all around the world.

Mary Cay Burt
Reaching people in the remote areas of China, she shares the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
She facilitates various aspects of the underground church in training and promoting cross-cultural missions.
She also helps provide "Workers Relief" to pastors and evangelists in the nation, as well as compassion care for widows and orphans in the form of education, literature, medical supplies, and technology.
Guy & Ann Amerson
They have served as full-time missionaries since 2004, teaching, training, and equipping pastors and families in Cambodia, Kenya, and some parts of Europe.
They have planted churches and continue to support the pastors to spread the word of Jesus into local villages in Africa.

Bobby Hill
Through a series of open visions, God sent him to the Tibetan people, whom he has served for over 35 years.
With the help of local leadership that he has trained up in the Lord, he is reaching individuals and villages with the Gospel, expanding the kingdom of God through developing relationships and carrying with him a revelation of the Father’s love everywhere he goes.
Dominikus & Anna Hinda
Dominikus and Anna are blessed with four children. Their greatest desire is to build a Missions organization that will answer to the spiritual needs and be a response within the
Kunene Missions Center in Namibia in coordination with their mission’s organization Kingdom Strategy Ministries international.
We strive to equip, impart, empower and deploy the army of the Lord through the Kunene Mission Center through a variety of retreats and educational programs regardless of age, gender, culture, denomination, social or economic status utilizing and creating a self-sustaining ranch.